born 1989
Zoë Carides 2010
type C photograph, limited edition
signed, dated and inscribed ‘Zoë Carides 2010 Luke Stambouliah’ verso
120 × 60 cm (image)
Luke Stambouliah, Sydney
Galleryeight, Sydney 2010
Private Collection, Los Angeles, U.S.A., acquired from the above
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, Albury Library Museum 2022
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, Hinkler Hall of Aviation Queensland 2022
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, National Archives of Australia, Canberra 2021
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, Port Arthur Historic Site Visitor Centre, Tasmania 2021
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, National Museum of Australia, Canberra 2021
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, Melbourne Museum 2020, 2021
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, Western Plains Cultural Centre, Dubbo 2020
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, Orange Regional Museum 2019
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, Leeton Shire Council 2019
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, Newcastle Museum 2019
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, The Workshop Railway Museum, Queensland 2018, 2019
Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties, Museum of Sydney 2017, 2018
Head On Photo Festival, Sydney Town Hall 2017
Luke Stambouliah, Galleryeight, Sydney 2010, 2011
COFA Annual, Carriageworks, Sydney 2010
Veronica Kooyman, ‘How The Specials Inspired Photographer Luke Stambouliah.’ Museums of History NSW, 6th April 2018 https://mhnsw.au/stories/general/focus-how-specials-inspired-photographer-luke-stambouliah/
Nerida Campbell with Lucy Sante and Alistair Sooke, ‘Underworld: Mugshots from the Roaring Twenties.’ Sydney Living Museums, 2017, p. 13-18, 284
Professor Katherine Biber, ‘Dark Archive: The Afterlife of Forensic Photographs.’ University of Technology Sydney, 2017, p. 13, 20
Danielle Buckley, ‘Luke Stambouliah’s latest exhibition is so good, it’s criminal.’ The Daily Telegraph, 2nd May 2017 https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/the-express/luke-stambouliahs-persons-of-interest-to-feature-in-sydneys-head-on-photo-festival/news-story/9726a8c82011f9775ffa251b727ad9e8Elizabeth Fortescue, ‘Aussie stars like you’ve never seen them before.’ The Daily Telegraph, 30th April 2017 https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/entertainment/arts/aussie-stars-like-youve-never-seen-them-before/news-story/d95ad3c074ffc39f53fc272e5f55f573?amp
Nick Bond, ‘Shining a light on the underworld.’ Sydney Star Observer, 2010, p. 24‘Persons of Interest.’ Galleryeight, 2010, cover + p. 1-28
Head On Photo Festival, Sydney 2017 finalist
Grave Undertakings: During cross-examination, Zoë admitted to a prior conviction for keeping a house of ill fame, but denied having run out of the house naked to abuse detectives or ever having dealt cocaine. “Detective Wickham had planted the drugs on me” she said. Hugo Pappas, an undertaker, testified that he had lived with Zoë for nineteen years and had never seen any cocaine in her possession. Zoë was convicted and fined £250. Before passing sentence the magistrate asked Detective Wickham to enlighten the court as to Zoë’s criminal record. “She was associated with all the major Sydney drug dealers.” She sold large quantities of dope and even involved her daughter, who carried the dope about ‘in her body’. Zoë Carides, 19 February 1925, Central Police Station.