Legacy: A Story of Women is a commissioned portrait series of twenty-two women in over forty-four published images that celebrates the history of women who have shaped early childhood education in Australia. Commissioned by Semann & Slattery, Legacy: A Story of Women is a photographic essay which invites us to take time and reflect on our history and recognise those who have and continue to shape our world. The silken threads that weave this rich tapestry of women together can be best described by the qualities they share - intellect, tenacity, strength, resilience, vision, integrity, courage, vulnerability and humanity. To capture these portraits, I travel around Australia to meet and listen to the stories of these individual leaders who have collectively transformed early childhood education. In my eyes, and the eyes of many who have been inspired by their remarkable work, we cannot help but be influenced by their example. This exhibition is dedicated to my mother and to all women who inspire others on their courageous journey. Interview, documentary and behind the scenes by Motion Hub.
Dr. Deborah Brennan
The Hon. Linda Burney, MP
Pam Cahir
Dr. Priscilla Clarke, OAM
Bernadette Dunn
Dr. Alma Fleet
Trish & John Highfield
Dr. Anne Kennedy
Vivi Koutsounadis-Germanos, OAM
Chris Legg
Dr. Glenda MacNaughton
Dr. Karen Martin
Winsome McCaughey, AO
Maxine McKew, AM
Aunty Denise Proud
Dr. Kerry Robinson
Wendy Shepherd
Anne Stonehouse, AM
Dr. Jennifer Sumsion
Denise Taylor
Margaret Young
Luke Stambouliah, International Convention Centre Sydney 2023, 2025
Luke Stambouliah, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre 2020
Anthony Semann and Colin Slattery, ‘Legacy: A Story of Women.’ Semann & Slattery, 2020, front cover, back cover + p. 1-43
Published by Semann & Slattery, Melbourne 2020
Large Softcover Photographic Book
First Edition
Signed by the Artist
Cover image: Aunty Denise Proud
30 x 21 cm
48 pages including:
20 exhibited prints, 20 exclusive prints and artist's statement